Xcode – error build: Undefined symbol: _SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceIdentifier
ERROR Xcode v14.0.1 using unity ads, chartboost, mintegral, ironsource, admob error build: Undefined symbol: _SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceIdentifier
ERROR Xcode v14.0.1 using unity ads, chartboost, mintegral, ironsource, admob error build: Undefined symbol: _SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkSourceIdentifier
I have an app where I just created a new, working viewController in a separate project. I copy/pasted the code and xibs (several subviews) into the new project. All compiles fine. Relevant code: let storyBoard : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main",…
.fullScreenCover(isPresented: $viewModel.showEditRoom) { EditRoomView(someData: someData, selectedRoom: $viewModel.selectedRoom) } I have a fullScreenCover modifier that presents a view when a certain condition is met. The view that is presented, EditRoomView, takes a few parameters including selectedRoom, a binding property. The issue…
When I wrap a VStack inside a ScrollView, it seemingly removes the horizontal padding applied to the VStack causing the contents to go to the display edge as opposed to leaving space between the contents of the VStack and the…
I have been getting these error messages in debug window in Xcode: 2023-06-06 07:46:15.412684-0500 Courier[8456:442818] [LayoutConstraints] Unsupported layout off the main thread for _UIModernBarButton with nearest ancestor view controller, UINavigationController 2023-06-06 07:46:15.413268-0500 Courier[8456:442818] [Assert] -[UIImageView _invalidateImageLayouts] must be called on…
I am showing a complicated controller AskController (descended from UIViewController, UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate and UIPopoverControllerDelegate) over some different controllers, popover style. Is there an easy way to automatically dim and blur whatever happens behind said AskController, and remove those effects on a…
Hello im new at mobile mobile developers, and here i got confused by the padding that appears between image and text on my code. mostly i try the code that explained in youtube and the internet and for this problem…
Suppose I want to make a drawing that looks like this (pardon my bad drawing): As you can see here, I want to make a line that has multiple colors on the line. What I did now is make a…
I'm testing my current project with the Xcode 15 (beta 5) and I'm getting an error that I don't know if it's something new in the Xcode or just an error in the beta version: Assertion failed: (fixups().size() == 2),…
I have created a custom header view and would like to place the text horizontally centered. However even with HStack and Spacer on the left and a button on the right, my text doesn't get horizontally centered. Adding code and…