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Ios swift – Parse Bool response using Alamofire

I have old code from team where they were failing to parse Bool response. NetworkManager.shared().executeWith(request: APIRouter.firebasetoken(param)) { (httpResponse, jsonData, error) in if httpResponse?.statusCode == 200 { guard let json = jsonData else {return} if let isSuccess = json.bool, isSuccess ==…


Unable to locate image file in React Native Expo app?

I'm working on a React Native Expo app and encountering a warning stating that it couldn't find an image file at a specific path. The warning message mentions the following path: WARN Could not find image file:///Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/F8428037-7C3C-4084-8236-2357D1AF4D42/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/5C0D625D-94E4-465A-9613-405D666B4E79/ code: const stories…


Ios swift – Why NSDecimalNumber(string:"2175613.285964774433431797660").intValue = 0 , who can help me

Why NSDecimalNumber(string:"2175613.285964774433431797660").intValue = 0 NSDecimalNumber(string:"2175613.285964774433431797660").int32Value = 2175613 NSDecimalNumber(string:"2175613.285964774433431797660").int64Value = 0 Who can help me? Apple M1 Mac OS Ventura 13.0 Xcode 14.1 let a = NSDecimalNumber(string: "2175613.285964774433431797660188672").intValue // a == 0 is true This problem caused our users' wallet balances…

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