Can Flutter disable swiping to a specific tab?
I am developing an app in flutter and have a simple question - I basically want to disable swiping to the + tab. ChatGPT is useless and I have no clue how to do it. Thank you so much in…
I am developing an app in flutter and have a simple question - I basically want to disable swiping to the + tab. ChatGPT is useless and I have no clue how to do it. Thank you so much in…
The user can upload data to a server in my Swift 5/Xcode 12.4 app by clicking a button in the navigation bar. While this is happening (asynchronously in a background thread) I'm displaying a custom pop-up and none of the…
I am currently using Kingfisher library to load thumbnail images for collectionview cells and if it is already recorded in the cache, it would load from the cache. Seldomly some images are loaded for wrong cell which leads to duplicate…
We would like to track when the app is terminated by a user so we are using 'applicationWillTerminate' method. sometimes it's working fine but sometimes we can not store data because the app is terminated so is there any other…
I am making a game on android and ios and use firebase cloud messages with firebase functions to implement in app messaging between users. I receive those messages in unity through OnMessageReceived callback and everything works as intended on Android,…
I can not save a string using shared_preferences plugin for iOS. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> login(String username, String password) async { Map<String, dynamic> data = await auth(username, password); final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); await prefs.setString('username', username); On Android (both emulator and real…
I tried to select command line tools in Xcode. it's still notworking. but Xcode can run on ios simulator I want to run flutter app on ios simulator in vscode
I am trying to find out which framework, Flutter or React Native, is more self-adaptive in terms of native style per platform ( e.g on Android you have checkbox, on iOS a switch ). In another words, in which framework…
So I have an watchOS app where users can track their outdoor activities and that includes heartrate. All of that is working fine, but in support we sometimes get users that complain that the app is not tracking their heartrate.…
I have a binding with optional String as a type and in the parent view I have if condition which checks whether it is has value or not. Depending on this condition I show or hide the child view. When…