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Sentry on React Native: Building for iOS breaks with "property 'options' not found on object of type 'PrivateSentrySDKOnly'"

I am using CircleCI to build for iOS (and Android) and recently, the iOS build fails with these error messages: Compiling RNSentry.m ❌ /Users/distiller/project/node_modules/@sentry/react-native/ios/RNSentry.m:107:79: property 'options' not found on object of type 'PrivateSentrySDKOnly' if (appIsActive && !sentHybridSdkDidBecomeActive && (PrivateSentrySDKOnly.options.enableAutoSessionTracking ||…


Xcode – SwiftUI PreferenceKey not Updating

I'm struggling trying to implement a PreferenceKey. I've read countless articles, so obviously I'm missing something. onPreferenceChange reports once at simulator startup but not during scrolling. Scrolling updates the text in the TextEditor overlay, but the offsetCGSize property is apparently…

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