How to set an image to the UIButton in Swift – Ios swift
I want to set an image to the button But every time when I add an image to the button it shows a huge image and the image doesn't fit the button size. Like this:
I want to set an image to the button But every time when I add an image to the button it shows a huge image and the image doesn't fit the button size. Like this:
I want to disable the dates in the datepicker in flutter. Actually I am wokring on an application where user has to generate salary but I don't want him to generate salary if the salary is already created. suppose salary…
this is the json formate by which I need to get the data ` { "count": 2, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "date": "2022-11-23", "breaks_set": [], "id": "c82af994-541a-40eb-a154-9cf8b130100c", "clock_in_time": "2:30", "clock_out_time": "6:30", "on_time_clock_in": 553, "on_time_clock_out": -313 }, {…
I am facing this error while installing in device but build is running perfectly in simulator. As suggest in error i have disabled bitcode in this library but still getting this error while trying to run in device. Xcode version:-…
How can I use LargestUndimmedDetentIdentifier with custom SheetPresentation height ? I have a UISheetPresentationController with two customs Detents and I don't find how can interact with content underneath. UISheetPresentationController sheet = NavigationController!.SheetPresentationController!; sheet.PrefersGrabberVisible = true; sheet.PrefersScrollingExpandsWhenScrolledToEdge = false; sheet.WidthFollowsPreferredContentSizeWhenEdgeAttached =…
Here is my code: const saveImg = async (base64Img: string, success: Function, fail:Function) => { const isAndroid = Platform.OS === "android" const isIos = Platform.OS === 'ios' const dirs = isIos? RNFS.LibraryDirectoryPath : RNFS.ExternalDirectoryPath; const certificateTitle = 'certificate-'+((Math.random() * 10000000)…
`Hi everyone, I am new to Swift and following a biometrics authentication tutorial to click a button and use Face ID or Touch ID. Nothing happens when the biometric authentication button is pressed because canEvaluate etc do not get set…
I am trying to add NavigationLink inside NavigationView in which there is a custom designed button. I want to navigate on that button tap but NavigationLink code gives compilation error. it requires localisedTitle which I don't want to display and…
I'm using UIColorPickerViewController. When I use Sliders section, default value is display p3 like below an image. My app is using UIExtendedSRGBColorSpace. So I need to convert to UIExtendedSRGBColorSpace. When I convert from Display P3 to eSRGB, it returns UIExtendedSRGBColorSpace…
I have an error that says: RenderBox was not laid out: RenderDecoratedBox#dbfd0 relayoutBoundary=up12 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE. 'package:flutter/src/rendering/box.dart': Failed assertion: line 2001 pos 12: 'hasSize' How can i fix this error. I have looked at the other questions and didn't came to…