Value of type Any has no subscripts – Ios swift
I have the following code. func setUserToken(_ user: NSDictionary) { self.userId = user["user"]["id"] as! String; I get the error "Value of type Any has no subscripts". What am I doing wrong?
I have the following code. func setUserToken(_ user: NSDictionary) { self.userId = user["user"]["id"] as! String; I get the error "Value of type Any has no subscripts". What am I doing wrong?
When ever I click on textField and key board appears, my list of data i.e coming from API is vanashing, import SwiftUI import ExytePopupView struct Wallet: View { @State private var searchText = "" @State private var showCancelButton: Bool =…
I have a SwiftUI app with SwiftUI life cycle and am persisting data in Core Data. I am using Xcode 14.0.1 and iOS 16 to create a NavigationSplitView architecture. This all works fine. I have added .searchable to the main…
protocol CellActionHandling { func didTapOptionButton() func didTapEditButton() func notActiveViewAction(state: Cell.State) } So I had a delegate protocol (for a cell) with three methods, it was being implemented by two classes so that those classes can respond to actions. But one…
If the image named "x" in my assets is defined to my imageView, I want to alert the screen when I click the upload button, but the definition I wrote with if does not work if there is a photo…
I have wasted almost a week on this problem without avail. This is the error: Failed to build iOS app Error output from Xcode build: ↳ ** BUILD FAILED ** Xcode's output: ↳ Writing result bundle at path: /var/folders/fq/7j2x58m57c9bk10jg7q47krr0000gn/T/flutter_tools.vyKPSp/flutter_ios_build_temp_di rGZCufm/temporary_xcresult_bundle…
I am getting errors for few frameworks/module integrated into my workspace. warning build: Run script build phase 'Module name' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning, either add output dependencies…
Im very new to xcode. Im getting the user to select from a UIPicker view and when they click a submit button it goes to the next screen and displays what they chose. I got it to work with normal…
I am facing following errors in library - Type 'ChartDataSet' does not conform to protocol 'RangeReplaceableCollection' Unavailable instance method 'replaceSubrange(_:with:)' was used to satisfy a requirement of protocol 'RangeReplaceableCollection'.
I'm developing a flutter application which uses Firebase as it's back-end framework. I've been developing the application for Android for quite some time, and recently I'm trying to support iOS as well. In my application, I do a call to…