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Looking for iOS 15.7 support files for XCode14

My iPhoneXR updated to 15.7, and XCode updated to 14. Which happened right as MacOS was updating, so I'm wondering if something got wonked with the XCode update. Now I can't program my phone. Looking in /Applications/ there is no…


I try post string request but its not working my code – Ios swift

ı try to send string request but its not work var request = URLRequest(url: url) request.httpMethod = "POST" let parameters = "{"Language": "tr","ProcessType": 1,"Username": "(self.mailTextField.text ?? "")","Password": "(self.passwordTextField.text ?? "")"}" print(parameters) let enUrlParams = try! parameters.aesEncrypt(key: LoginConstants.xApiKey, iv: LoginConstants.IV) print(enUrlParams)…


iOS 16 FairPlay Changes – Ios swift

Are there any changes in FairPlay logic? My app has FairPlay protected Videos and Audio, they work perfectly until iOS 15.7, but in iOS 16 makeStreamingContentKeyRequestData is throwing me following error : Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-19152 "(null)" Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The…

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