How to activate a button when a condition is met? – Ios swift
I have a button that should be activated after the user selects a photo from library or take a photo. But as long as there is no photo the button should not work.
I have a button that should be activated after the user selects a photo from library or take a photo. But as long as there is no photo the button should not work.
I'm trying to create a cardView that has a Date on it. Right now, I have the below look, with today's Date within a Square. I would like to add 2 parallel lines (shown as RED coloured Lines in below…
I'm trying to figure out how can I show only the first letter of the text? struct MyText: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello") .lineLimit(1) } } This is how it should turn out H I tried using…
In the wonderful world of SwiftUI, I have a View that I use as a cell. I intend to reproduce the Layout of a previous application of mine, with Autolayout, not SwiftUI, in which the background image filled the entire…
I'm new at react-native and I can easily create a react-native app using Expo, but there is no way using react-native init with Mac OS. I have checked all the recommendations on internet, but the ios folder is never created.…
Here's what I’ve written; rules_version = '2'; service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /reservedUsernames/{username} { allow update: if false; allow create: if request.auth != null; } } } I already added a document with ID sam and a field…
I have a problem when displaying month name + year number in Menu structure labels There is an HStack HStack(spacing: 5) { Menu { ForEach(monthSymbols, id: .self) { monthSymbol in Button(monthSymbol, action: { for (index, symbol) in monthSymbols.enumerated() where symbol…
I have integrated Firebase 9.5.0 in my iOS project via Cocoapods. I am using Xcode 13.4.1 I have following pods installed: pod 'FirebaseCore', '~> 9.5.0' pod 'FirebaseAuth', '~> 9.5.0' pod 'FirebaseFirestore', '~> 9.5.0' pod 'FirebaseStorage', '~> 9.5.0' pod 'FirebaseFunctions', '~>…
The problem TL;DR: A String I'm trying to bind to inside TextField is nested in an Optional type, therefore I cannot do that in a straightforward manner. I've tried various fixes listed below. I'm a simple man and my use…
I've created a vertical gradient (black to white) as a mask layer for an UIImageView, but the linear fade is not working for me. I want to show more of the full-alpha image and fade quicker towards the bottom, so…