how to delete all cells – Ios swift
hi im trying to custom apple's sample code. here's a problem : i want to delete all cells when i touch button(reset). when i touch button it looks work well but if i reload this summeryView, cell and its data…
hi im trying to custom apple's sample code. here's a problem : i want to delete all cells when i touch button(reset). when i touch button it looks work well but if i reload this summeryView, cell and its data…
I am making app which is using Matched Geometry Effect. It is matching two rectangles embedded inside two different views. It isn't working as it supposed to. Please help me. Here is test view for that: struct ContentViewTest: View {…
I'm hoping someone can answer a few questions I have, since Apple's documentation does not provide an answer. I'm simply just wanting to connect to a Wi-Fi and disconnect from my app using these methods from the NEHotspotConfigurationManager: -applyConfiguration: -removeConfigurationForSSID:…
Related to this I am trying to make an app based on Notes app. I set my iPhone text size to the smallest, and when the view changes, the texts on new view's toolbar gets bigger. Code : .toolbar {…
newbie swift programmer here that needs help with something that probably is trivial... This is in different File, different View: class CanvasContainerView: UIView { override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) { // here are all of the calculations…
I built an app with flutter and now I want to deploy it to my iPhone via Xcode. But when I deploy with debug configuration, I do not access my app on my phone when disconnecting it from my mac.…
storyboard design hierarchy like this design hierarchy here if i scroll-up i need to hide only topView and need to show secondView on top and scroll should perform from the bottom of secondView and if i scroll-down need to show…
In swift use of get and set is not compulsory and if use of "in" in closure is also not compulsory then how to differentiate a closure and computed property? Like in below example greet is a closure or computed…
Imported a tiger model into SceneKit, but it is off center? Is this something I can fix? The green/red/blue arrows should be under the model?
Recently upgraded to VS for Mac 8.10.21, when building apps, I'm getting: /Xamarin.Shared.targets(3,3): Error: dsymutil exited with code 72 This is with Xcode 13.3. Full version details below: Visual Studio Community 2019 for Mac Version 8.10.21 (build 4) Installation UUID:…