Xcode – Make UIButton Image fit into the Button
First of all, I am using Xamarin iOS. Whenever I try to set an image of a UIButton, the image gets as big as the entire screen. I want that image to fit into the bounds/ frame of the UIButton.…
First of all, I am using Xamarin iOS. Whenever I try to set an image of a UIButton, the image gets as big as the entire screen. I want that image to fit into the bounds/ frame of the UIButton.…
I want to enable and change color of a button depending on text in password and confirm password textfields. So I found this code online: func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool { let tfConfirmPasswordText…
I have an json object and store it as initialData and after some changes in store the json object into another modifiedData. Now I am trying to compare two json object of initialData and modifiedData but i could not able…
I wrote my React Native app using Expo, and then ejected it using expo eject. I am now trying to build release versions of the app. It works fine for Android, and also for debug builds for iOS, but when…
I know that in Apple docs, they say this: After you construct the association file, place it in your site’s .well-known directory. The file’s URL should match the following format: https:///.well-known/apple-app-site-association You must host the file using https:// with a…
Planning to use the same text view in multiple places in the app so planning to create text view component without xib/Storyboard so that the same can be reuse in multiple places. I'm a junior developer how can we create…
UITextFieldDelegate method only works if we enter the data to textfield through the keyboard. But we I change the value of textfield. text from any button action none of its delegate methods is triggering. I have also tried to add…
I am trying to preform a segue between my home view controller to my Preview view controller that will actually show the taken photos. I have named this segue in the storyboard as "showPhoto". but when i'm trying to actually…
it's been weeks that I'm blocked because I can't build my project in Xcode on iOS. I looked all over the internet, none of the suggestions worked for me. I really hope I'm not a rare exception because this problem…
Below is the code of my ViewController class NewsViewController: UIViewController { let networkManager = NetworkManager() var newsArray = [NewsModel]() var totalResult:Int = 0 @IBOutlet weak var collectionView: UICollectionView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() networkManager.fetchNewsData(forCoutry: "us", category: "business") { newsDataModel in…