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Xcode – Why do App store connect operation errors ITMS-90685 and ITMS-90680 happen?

The errors: ITMS-90685: CFBundleIdentifierCollision. There is more than one bundle with the CFBundleIdentifier value com.[companyName].[className] under the iOS application [myAppName].app ITMS-90680: invalid directory. The bundle Payload/[myAppName].app/Plugins/[myFramework].framework is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under "Frameworks" Background…


Weak linking static library in Xcode

I'm trying to achieve weak linking with static libraries. I’ve read those two articles, "Static Library on iOS" and "How Jesse Pinkman cracked Dynamic Library on iOS", which are really helpful. However, I’m in a situation that I cannot achieve…

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