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Xcode – How do you pass data between 2 ViewControllers without displaying a Viewcontroller, seguing, or changing the frame

protocol useForDist { func findpindist() } class ViewController1: UIViewController, MKMapViewDelegate, useForDist { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() } func findpindist() { print("Test") } } class HomePageController: UIViewController { var delegate: useForDist? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.delegate?.findpindist() } } Why…


`xcodebuild` for scheme and target options

why xcodebuild building the same application differently for scheme and target options? xcodebuild -target uConnect build Above commands builds with Release config in build folder inside project. xcodebuild -scheme uConnect build Above builds with Debug config in Xcode’s DrivedData folder.…

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