How to Install .ipa File on XCode iOS Simulator
I have downloaded an .ipa file from an iOS developer for our project. I need to test the app on my simulator because I don't have a physical device, but I don't know how to. how to install the .ipa…
I have downloaded an .ipa file from an iOS developer for our project. I need to test the app on my simulator because I don't have a physical device, but I don't know how to. how to install the .ipa…
In the process of making my first Finance App, I want the user to type their Credit Card Name and las four numbers (probably more info since this is a draft) into this Modally presented view, to then be seen…
I'm just getting started learning SwiftUI, following Apple's tutorial for building an iOS app at this link. I started with the skeleton app provided and have followed along in the latest Xcode, step by step. Instead of seeing what I…
I'm creating a test that has 5 buttons, each button corresponds to a specific color, the problem is that when I select a consecutive 2nd button, the previous button is still selected, how can I make my code select only…
Could someone please explain to me the difference between Foreground, Tint and Accent color? Linguistically: Tint means shade Accent means bright colors Foreground means regular colors Programmatically: What is Tint? Foreground is that primary color that changes the text/view color…
I have flutter's app. I run it app in debug mode on iPhone from Android Studio(on Mac). It is very slowly(about 10 minutes). if I run my project from xCode it is much faster - about a minute. this is…
I am new to SwiftUI and am trying to center elements inside the LazyVGrid View. Here is what I have currently: Using: var body: some View { ZStack { Color(red: 75/255, green: 0, blue: 130/255).ignoresSafeArea() VStack { LazyVGrid(columns: [GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 30))],…
Here you can see the view which is inside the TableViewell: Here is the code for adding dashed border: func addDashedBorder() { let color = UIColor(displayP3Red: 178.0/255.0, green: 181.0/255.0, blue: 200.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0).cgColor let shapeLayer:CAShapeLayer = CAShapeLayer() let shapeRect =…
I have a UIViewController with a Container View. The container view has a navigation controller with which I can display different scenes within the main view. Structure: MainVC 1SubVC (Container View) inside MainVC 2SubVC (ContainerView) inside MainVC Now my question:…
So I am unable to understand this error. I have an object with these properties @property (nonatomic, readwrite) double width; @property (nonatomic, readwrite) double height; When I am creating an NSSdictionary add adding them into it if (config.width) { properties[@"height"]…