RTSP Stream xcode 12.5
I am trying to play an 30 seconds rtsp video in an ios app build in xcode 12.5. Unfortunately i could not find a way to do this. Could anyone give me a plugin or a way to handle this?…
I am trying to play an 30 seconds rtsp video in an ios app build in xcode 12.5. Unfortunately i could not find a way to do this. Could anyone give me a plugin or a way to handle this?…
@interface MyObjectiveCmainClass { @protected NSMutableArray* thisStringIsInaccessibleInSwiftSubclasses;//this I can't access in swift subclass } @property NSString* thisStringIsAccessibleInSwiftSubclasses;//this I can access in swift subclass - (void) thisMethodIsAccessibleInSwiftSubclasses;//this too I can access in Swift subclass @end class MySwiftSubclass : MyObjectiveCmainClass { override func…
I have just updated to Xcode 13 Beta and I am about to upload my first build to App Store using this version of Xcode. This version of Xcode shows a new App Store Connect distribution option which I previously…
I'm building an app on an M1 Mac. I added a pod, Swift Package, or framework, attempted to use an object from it, and when I built my project, received this error. I've tried a number of things including changing…
Starting with swift 4.2, an error appears. In previous versions the code works fine (swift 3, 4). How to write this code correctly now? swift4 swift4.2 class GameViewController: UIViewController { var scene: SCNScene! var scnView: SCNView! override func viewDidLoad() {…
I have been having issues trying to create an IOS build of a react native application. Originally I made this on windows with an android emulator. Then I tried to build the react native code on mac with xcode but…
I built a flutter app and am struggling to upload ipa file for testflight now. I built ipa file with following steps: $ flutter build ios -t lib/main_stg.dart Get Runner.app from step 1 Create ProjectName folder and put the app…
I've been working on an iOS app and I'm trying to display a navigation bar to my app. I use a storyboard to just work on some basic UI, but for the other part like the navigation bar, I'm trying…
So, I want to prefetch some of the data needed in the view controllers associated with the tab bar controller as the user moves from the login page to the home page (tab bar controller exists between these two view…
I'm trying to abstract an Alert which is being used in multiple places across my app. I copied and pasted the implementation of func alert(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, content: () -> Alert) -> some View and tweaked it to adapt it to…