Xcode – Filtering multiple times in Swift
I have literally no knowledge on Swift or OOP but I have to build a basic BLE Scanner app. I found an example, I read it, tried to understand and develop from where it stands. Now, I have a function…
I have literally no knowledge on Swift or OOP but I have to build a basic BLE Scanner app. I found an example, I read it, tried to understand and develop from where it stands. Now, I have a function…
"We found in our review that your app collects user and device information to create a unique identifier for the user's device. Apps that fingerprint the user's device in this way are in violation of the Apple Developer Program License…
I am trying to implement passcode screen, but I am having trouble with alignment, as you can see in this picture. What I'm trying to do is, have three buttons in each row, so it actually looks like a "keypad".…
I created buttons with for loop and i want to print button number when pressed to button. How can i do this? for x in 0..<5 { let button = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: CGFloat(x) * view.frame.size.width + 10 , y: 40,…
I have a time coming from service in string form like so "12:30 PM". I am able to get this time but I want to add this time in current date. like so 31/3/2021 12:30 PM The current date is…
I want to build my Xcode project (react native & swift) for the simulator and on a real device. The simulator worked great. Today I tried to build it for my device, I selected my device in the Xcode bar…
There are similar questions to the one I'm asking, but they address running on simulators, not actual devices. When I try to build and run my app on my device, I get the error Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_GMSPlacesClient",…
I'm trying to get PDF from UIView with UILabel text mask. override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let label = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200 )) label.text = "Label Text" label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 25) label.textAlignment = .center…
I am trying to add Google-Mobile-SDK into my Xcode project by using CocoaPods. I have created podFile to my project. enter image description here Then, in this podFile, I added this line pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK' enter image description here Then in…
I am trying to pass an image into a new view controller via a segue. I was able to transfer the title into the view controller, but I keep getting the error: "Cannot convert value of type 'UIImage?.Type' to expected…