Xcode – Main.storyboard is pitch black
I've been coding in Xcode for a long time but I've never used the storyboard. When I opened it up I got this pitch-black. Does any one know how to fix this ?
I've been coding in Xcode for a long time but I've never used the storyboard. When I opened it up I got this pitch-black. Does any one know how to fix this ?
I kept getting the error No task request with identifier <decode: missing data> has been scheduled in my debugger output so I decided to try running the example code provided by Apple here and got the same error. I've tried…
I'm trying to run a react-native project using the command react-native run-ios but I'm getting the following errors: Build system information error: Multiple commands produce '/Users/prikshetsharma/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Humboi-hjbrwqprmopoeybrdkwevgblfvis/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Humboi.app/EvilIcons.ttf': 1) Target 'Humboi' (project 'Humboi') has copy command from '/Users/prikshetsharma/Desktop/Humboi/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fonts/EvilIcons.ttf' to '/Users/prikshetsharma/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Humboi-hjbrwqprmopoeybrdkwevgblfvis/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Humboi.app/EvilIcons.ttf' 2) That…
I am trying to create swift files and groups inside my main Xcode project group but for some reason it doesn't let me do it. When selecting new file it creates it outside of the group selected, and if I…
I'm currently stuck on a problem related to my Ionic project. I have an Ionic project on GitHub which i've been working on in the past few weeks, i have a few Cordova plugins as part of the project. When…
I have submitted many app builds to TestFlight, even yesterday, but today when I tried to submit my app to TestFlight via XCODE I get the following error: ERROR ITMS-90164: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app bundle…
The associated view contains a circular image view in which the user taps a button and selects an image then that image is set to that image views corresponding image. If I attempt to force-unwrap the optional in saveChanges it…
I have basically two frameworks running on Xcode. "ResearchKit" and "AppMethods". While all works fine, the "AppMethods" framework utilizes code within "ResearchKit". In fact it is there to abstract out more methods into framework. A superclass of sorts. When using…
Hello I have an Objective-C project and I want to start using Apple's CryptoKit framework. Is this possible?
I want to test my xamarin.forms application on my Iphone 11 pro witout Apple developer accaunt I try this but it nor work create swift app with xcode and use same bundle identifier from my xamarin.forms.ios app but this no…