URL_Launcher not launching URL in Flutter
I need my container to launch a URL whenever it is clicked. I have done this plenty times with other projects, yet it will not work in this current project. I believe I have added everything I need to the…
I need my container to launch a URL whenever it is clicked. I have done this plenty times with other projects, yet it will not work in this current project. I believe I have added everything I need to the…
I have a SwiftUI app that is developed for all iOS devices and silicon Mac OS as well. I have added ActivityKit Widget for the iOS devices and it works well. But when I submitted to the appStore I got…
HKQuantity and HKUnit support all of the common units of measurement, SI and otherwise, such as gram(), pound(), and stone(). The HealthKit classes also support custom complex units such as "foot-pound", "meters-per-second", or "meters-per-second-squared" via unitMultiplied(by:), unitDivided(by:), and unitRaised(toPower:) The…
After upgrading to the latest version of react-native I've suddenly run into the issue with RCTFabric. "react-native": "0.74.0", 1. No type or protocol named 'RCTDebuggingOverlayViewProtocol' 2. Use of undeclared identifier 'DebuggingOverlayShadowNode' 3. Use of undeclared identifier 'DebuggingOverlayShadowNode' 4. Use of…
so i was learning flutter and i was checking the hot reload function of it and there is a problem i encountered the default program gives you an app that counts the number of times the button is clicked and…
After upgrading from Xcode 12, on any version of Xcode 13 or later, the following error occurs when running the sudo sh install-appledoc.sh command: Build input file cannot be found: '~/<ProjectDir>/appledoc/default_templates.zip'. Did you forget to declare this file as an…
While configuring my iOS app to receive push notifications through Firebase Cloud Messaging, I've been stuck trying to make the push notifications sent by the server work. However, when I test using the FCM console, the test notification arrives in…
I have some class (class A: UIView) that conforms protocol UIGestureRecognizerDelegate from third-party library. I need to extend this class by adding some optional UIGestureRecognizerDelegate method, for example gestureRecognizer:shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer:. How to do that? I have tried writing an extension for…
I have the following key and its translation in String Catalog (Xcode 15.3): when I put the key in a SwiftUI's Text like this: let appName = "some name" Text("login success subTitle(appName)") it works well and returns the English translation…
guard let url = URL(string:"https://blaaaajo.de/getHiddenUsers.php") else { return } let postString = "blockedUsers=245,1150" var request = URLRequest(url: url) request.httpMethod = "POST" request.httpBody = postString.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8); do { let (responseString, _) = try await URLSession.shared.data(for: request) if let decodedResponse = try?…