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Xcode Version 15.0 beta 2, Info.plist file Error

In my Objective-C MobileApp project, the project was running well in Xcode 14.3. But after upgrading to Xcode 15 beta, I'm getting this issue. Info.plist Error Unable to process Info.plist at path /Users/macmini2/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MobileApp-aqrnzgrjfzndxq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ How can I fix this issue? Here…


Flutter – Runner crashing on iOS 17 or XCode 15

I updated my simulator to iOS 17 and it seems like ably_flutter plugin is causing the app to crash. Translated Report (Full Report Below) Incident Identifier: C0BCD28B-3A18-4C4B-B256-A59CA67A1FE9 CrashReporter Key: 63E056BF-A6D7-4F36-E579-7E979A26D26E Hardware Model: MacBookAir10,1 Process: Runner [28875] Path: /Users/USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4A8288E0-4C18-4BA1-B7E1-5A545340F8C3/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/59E518EC-2C42-4E6E-8D61-86EA77B4DB65/ Identifier: com.example.testProj…

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