iPhone 6 plus design resolution – Photoshop
The iPhone 6 plus has a res of 1920x1080 but that is down scaled from virtual res of 2208x1242 My questions is , are the designs(in Photoshop) suppose to be made in 1920x1080 or 2208x1242 ? Thanks
The iPhone 6 plus has a res of 1920x1080 but that is down scaled from virtual res of 2208x1242 My questions is , are the designs(in Photoshop) suppose to be made in 1920x1080 or 2208x1242 ? Thanks
I have an app in the App store to which I want to add @3x files. I read various posts but I am not sure how to proceed. I read that coordinate space for the iPhone 6 plus is 414x736…
Edit2: I've distilled the problem down to the simplest project I can. Here's the setup. I created a new single view app and immediately added a new Action extension target. I created a new icon set in the .xcassets file…
I am creating my first App for the iOS and Android platforms and want to start with some good icons and images. I do not want to spent a lot of money on them. I also do not have experience…
I have been trying to solve this app icon color issue all morning. I am still experiencing this after going through both of these highly recommended photoshop/iOS design articles: http://davidmckinney.com/blog/2013/12/31/designing-iphone-apps-how-to-setup-photoshop http://bjango.com/articles/photoshop/ Here is the problem that I am having: When…
I am creating a basic app in Xcode the graphics were designed in photoshop and exported as .png files The first image worked fine but the second image (very similar to first does not show up) Would appreciate any help…
Based on the concepts in my question here and the problems with PNG files outlined in my other question here, I'm going to try loading an RGBA image from two jpeg. One will contain the RGB and the other only…
we are developing an iPhone app as an extension of a classifieds system (web site). On that web site users can buy (prepaid) credits and use them to boost and promote their ads. Will Apple reject our app if we…
desc = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (NSString * strName in results) { arrRates = [results objectForKey:strName]; for (int i = 0; i <= [arrRates count]; i++) { if ([[[arrRates objectAtIndex:i] valueForKey:@"type"] isEqualToString:@"0"]) { nextUrl = [[arrRates objectAtIndex:i] valueForKey:@"Nexturl"]; [desc addObject:[[arrRates…
I'm making an iPhone app that primarily focuses on loading webpages in UIWebviews. To show the user that the web page is currently loading, I'd like the screen to display a loading animation while the page loads, similar to the…