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Json – Override Jackson default KeyDeserializer

Im trying to override the default KeyDeserializer but it seems to work only on top level key: The input JSON { "upper_key": { "lower_key": "lower_value", "lower_key_2": "lower_value_2" }, "upper_key_2": "upper_value_2" } The mapper I use ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();…


Can not deserialize JSON with json string inside

I have a json like below. The x's are there to omit sensitive data {"errormessage":"{"timestamp":"2021-10- 19T07:57:35.205+0000","status":400,"error": "Bad Request","message":"Bad Request: xxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx. pathu003d/xxx/verify","path":"/xxx /xxx"}"} I am trying to deserialize this json into the class below public class TransferResponse…


How can you serialize/deserialize AWS Java SDK V2 classes into/from JSON? – Amazon Web Sevices

With the AWS Java SDK V1, all of the classes were normal POJOs with standard getters and setters, so using Jackson you could just serialize/deserialize them easily. Example: TaskDefinition taskDefinition = ecsClient.describeTaskDefinition(new DescribeTaskDefinitionRequest().withTaskDefinition("myTaskDefinition")).getTaskDefinition(); System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(taskDefinition)); Result: {"taskDefinitionArn":"...","containerDefinitions":[...]} But when I…

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