Extract data from JSONArray using jsonpath
I have a JSON file having customer data as below . Here I want to extract the custName & CustId where amount is greater than 10 . But I'm stuck as unable to get the desired jsonpath for extracting these…
I have a JSON file having customer data as below . Here I want to extract the custName & CustId where amount is greater than 10 . But I'm stuck as unable to get the desired jsonpath for extracting these…
enterbutton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { int get_form_edittext=Integer.parseInt(edtx.getText().toString()); if(get_form_edittext==111){ flag=1;} else{ flag=0; } First I have initialized the flag variable with 0. I want that if the user enters "o" on the edit text and then presses…
I have made a simple tic tac toe game app using java.it is working as required, but after wining form one side it is keep taking the value. How to stop the execution after certain condition meet. If this is…
based on the image below, I have NIK & NAMA fields. the concept is when I fill in the NIK field then I press the GET button it will display the name(NAMA FIELD) Picture : Menu add Database structure example…
Question: How can I get spring data to save a "getter" as a mongodb field? Context: The Score java object has a 'getAverageFare()' method that performs calculations Another object (i.e which implements @Document) has Score as a field The goal:…
I am creating a simple Java/Gradle/Spring application. I am working on Dockerizing the app. When I run the app locally without docker, it properly uses the values in my application.yml file. However, when I run the Docker image, it doesn't…
I'm trying to implement with DynamoDB a way to allow items to be only inserted and NOT updated/replaced (to achieve some level of transaction control). Therefore, I have the following DB Schema configured in AWS DynamoDB: PartitionKey="driveUniqueId (String)" SortKey="createTime (String)"…
public class APIService { private List<CoinDTO> coinList = new ArrayList<>(); private final TrackerConfigProperties trackerConfig; //Injecting configuration properties into the constructor. public APIService(TrackerConfigProperties trackerConfig) { this.trackerConfig = trackerConfig; } public List<CoinDTO> getCoinList() { return coinList; } public void setCoinList(List<CoinDTO> coinList) {…
What is the method is to assign a default value in edittext? Like if user did not enter any value how to perform the required task by default value. int hft=Integer.parseInt(takehtft.getText().toString()); int hin=Integer.parseInt(takehtin.getText().toString()); This is a simple code to take…
I'm not as experienced in the Proguard / R8 matters as others. But, I think that I've stumbled across a bug in the Proguard / R8 tool as used in Android Studio. I have some Java code that runs great…