Traverse a JsonNode
This is how much JsonNode response has different key value pairs, similar to the example below. How can I traverse it to get the response in both key and value pair. Thank you. { "message": "Results field contain api response",…
This is how much JsonNode response has different key value pairs, similar to the example below. How can I traverse it to get the response in both key and value pair. Thank you. { "message": "Results field contain api response",…
My response as below and I want to convert it to json object but I don't know how to do it. Could you guide me? Thank you! Response: {"m_list": "[{"contract":{"category":1,"cor_num":101,"contract_name":"ABC"},"bu_unit":{"bu_name":"1-1E"}}]"} My expected => It'll convert as a json object as…
I run RabbitMQ in docker using this command: docker run --rm -it --hostname my-rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management It works and I can connect to RabitMq from java: ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setUsername("guest"); factory.setPassword("guest"); Connection connection = factory.newConnection("http://localhost:5672");…
The read file is that: public ArrayList<Aventura> readFile(){ ArrayList<Aventura> aventures = new ArrayList<>(); try{ AventuraDAO aventuraDAO=new AventuraDAO(); AventuraManage aventuraManage=new AventuraManage(aventuraDAO); Gson g=new Gson(); JsonReader reader=new JsonReader(new FileReader("Files/adventures.json")); Aventura[] ave=g.fromJson(reader, Aventura[].class ); if (ave.length==0){ System.out.println("The file should be empty"); ArrayList<Aventura> aventures2…
I'm trying to connect embedded mongodb and test it with MongoDbSpringIntegrationTest. The problem is that the identical code works with spring boot in 2.7.7 but doesn't work with spring boot in 3.0.0. The question is how can I enable embedded…
I have a Spring Boot Application for cron tasks. One of those tasks is executed as a group of several threads executed asynchronously. Each thread inserts ~200K data in MySQL compatible AWS Aurora Serverless DB. Before the task is finished,…
I am trying to create a Spring Boot program where I can save different products that a business may have for sale. I am saving the products into MongoDB. Currently, I am trying to use PostMan to save a product…
If id value is 0 then i don't want that in output. Photos Array is dynamic in nature. Here it is 3 , it can be 3 or 4 or5 any . Your help in this is highly appreciated .…
I have a problem to change my VSCode Java Debuggeer JVM version. No matter what I did it stucks with 1.8 version. When I check from console I see 11. gus:(ReadMe-and-configurational-change) ✗ java -version java version "" 2022-08-18 LTS Java(TM)…
Can anyone help mi solve this problem? I want to show list of users in the app. Logcat error: E/RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout User code data class Users(val userId : String = "", val name : String =…