My Android Studio emulator is not working correctly
I downloaded the Pixel emulator and Android API 25, but when running it appears for a few seconds and then disappears In the Event Log, this is what appears I need help pls
I downloaded the Pixel emulator and Android API 25, but when running it appears for a few seconds and then disappears In the Event Log, this is what appears I need help pls
I was wondering if there is a chance to align the play button as from screenshot at the center of the screen. Unfortunately, I have only succeeded in doing such with the white space that I wish to remove. The…
I have saved a video in getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS) path in the android private directory. I want to show the video file in the gallery. I have tried MediascannerConnection.scanFile but it did not work. Is there any altermative?
I have to do a karaoke interface. I need to highlight a part of the text view from time to time. let's say 5 seconds. I have separated the lines by "n". After 5 sec, I need to highlight the…
I have tried all the possible solutions for this error. Require guidance here: I am using Windows Laptop : Android Studio 2020.3.1.22 Below is the build.graddle file: plugins { id '' id 'kotlin-android' } android { compileSdk 31 defaultConfig {…
Empty spaces in recyclerView when trying to hide cards with null properties Hi, i'm new here. So this is my first question. I am trying to use the google Books API for a task and when I implement everything, I…
I have updated my Android Studio to Artic Fox as well as Gradle wrapper to 7.0.2 (plugin 7.0.0) and JDK 1.8 -> 11. When I install a debug build on my device through Android Studio, it works, and no error.…
am using retrofit for insert data to my webservice, I have made it before but without uploading the image and the insert is successful, the input field through the model class not in interface,how I add an input field fot…
When I run ./gradlew from project folder I get: ./gradlew The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to locate a Java Runtime. Please visit for information on installing Java. The same with java: which java /usr/bin/java /usr/bin/java The operation couldn’t…
I just upgraded from Android Studio to Android Studio Arctic Fox and while creating project i only see one option for Kotlin there is no option for java please help me out.