Change HTML textbox values with console code
First of all, I must say that I am less than noob in this field. I've been sitting on a problem all morning. What I want to do: I often need to change prices (200+ rows) in a table on…
First of all, I must say that I am less than noob in this field. I've been sitting on a problem all morning. What I want to do: I often need to change prices (200+ rows) in a table on…
This is the result of RecyclerView: Firestore database schema: this is the code I am using. This only retrieve data like in a image db.collection("Expenses") .whereEqualTo("Email",email) .whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo("Date",MonthFirstDate) .whereLessThanOrEqualTo("Date",TodayDate) .orderBy("Date") .get() .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<QuerySnapshot>() { @Override public void onSuccess(QuerySnapshot queryDocumentSnapshots) { if…
I would like to build a Docker image with a GitLab CI Pipeline from a Maven project but the build fails and I don't know what to do. Dockerfile: FROM maven:3.6.3-jdk-8 ENV EXECUTABLE_APP_JAR=hello-spring-boot-exec.jar COPY /target/${EXECUTABLE_APP_JAR} /app.jar ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/app.jar"]…
Lets say I'm releasing my app through developer console. At the same time, the same app I'm installing through android studio on my phone. Everything is ok. When release is ready and published, I cannot update my app. The error…
I am the author of a library for use in Android applications. Currently checking how my library behaves with Android 14 (API 34). Now, API 34 removes several existing methods. For example, the method android.webkit.WebSettings#setAppCacheEnabled has been removed. It…
I'm trying to convert an array of strings into objects. Which is not workings as I expected. Can someone help me with this? I got struck by splitting the array of items into individual objects. Some of the items are…
I don't understand the need to configure short and long polling directly on the queue. Say I create an sqs queue and I want to check the queue for messages once every hour with java. Then I just need to…
I'm editing my build.gradle and file but it still obfuscates my code. What is the reason? i will test it to reverse the code, but it obfuscates the code. How should i edit the code to not obfuscate it…
@Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class MatchingResponse { @JsonProperty(value = "Code") private String code; @JsonProperty(value = "Msg") private String message; @JsonProperty(value = "Id") private int id; @JsonProperty(value = "Date") private String date; @JsonProperty(value = "ClientIin") private String clientIin; @JsonProperty(value = "Similarity")…
I know this question asked a lot and i read most answer but non of them solved my problem. I'm kinda new at java but i'm using vscode over than a year. I never come across this kinda problem on…