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How to calculate objects from an array – javascript – Woocommerce

Hello I have these objects in an array and I want to get the total of thier prices after multiply each price with it's quantity. [ { productId:55, productName:"Libero", productImage:"", productQuantity:7, productPrice:100 }, { productId:56, productName:"Nam Libero Tempore", productImage:"", productQuantity:8,…


Why my ajax request doesn't get compiled? – Jquery ajax

This part of my code isn't working, I already tried to do everything but it still doesn't working, what can I do to fix it? $.ajax({ url: "", type: "GET", sucess: function(response){ document.getElementById("ifbr").innerHTML = response.latest_data.confirmed }, error: function(){ document.getElementById("ifbr").innerHTML =…


How to remove unwanted option value from dropdown? – Jquery ajax

example 1 <select id="BillTypeId" name="BillTypeId" required="" class="form-control"> <option value=""></option> <option value="9" tax-groupid="1" data-price="1500.00" data-isfixed="False">LAUNDRY</option> <option value="1064" tax-groupid="1" data-price="0.00" data-isfixed="False">DEBIT</option> <option value="1065" tax-groupid="1" data-price="0.00" data-isfixed="False">CREDIT</option> </select> Let's suppose I have a dropdown with dynamic option values. I have a function to…

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