Shopify Buy Button Max Quantity
using a Shopify buy button to release a free product to users of a webapp. Need to make sure the users can only order a maximum of 1 item. Any ideas for how I can do this? Shopify extensions are…
using a Shopify buy button to release a free product to users of a webapp. Need to make sure the users can only order a maximum of 1 item. Any ideas for how I can do this? Shopify extensions are…
at the moment I'm using submit input type inside html. But it cause every time a reload of the whole page, when I hit the button. So because of it, I want to use JavaScript now, so my page doesnt…
I'm getting "Unexpected token N in JSON at position 0" for ajax & php coding files. Can someone help me solve this? I've just started coding. I can get the query to work and insert data, if the datatype is…
I need to combine all variables in one object: $.get("", function (data) { var productNamePost=$("[name='productNamePost']").val(); var productCodePost=$("[name='productCodePost']").val(); var bg = $('.pdp_image-carousel-image.js-zoomImage-mobile').css('background-image'); var productPrice=$(".price__container > .price__value > .price__number").text(); var url = window.location.href; console.log(url); }); Sorry the question was unclear,i was need…
I have this html on the checkout page of my website <tr class="order-total"> <th>Total</th> <td><strong><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"> <span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">$</span>24,500.00</span></strong> </td> </tr> I have to multiply this price(24,500) with 0.0198 and show it in side a div which is on the…
I have bought Cookiebot so my site is GDPR compliant but I have an issue with implementing it. If I do everything step by step acording to their tutorial and put this script as the very first in the head…
I am trying to stop timer if div error div shows on page. Here is the code. I am not sure why clearTimeOut is not stopping timer. <script type="text/javascript"> function timeOutRedirect(){ var delay = 60000; // time in milliseconds //…
i need help in checking file size before uploading file, i want to check the size of file and then continue to upload $("form#data").submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(this.files[0].size > 2097152){ alert("File is too big!"); this.value = ""; return false; }; var…
Dears, i'm using snippet plugin to add my code to my ecommerace project , i have pickup and delivery plugin in my delivery option , what i'm trying to do is , once i select pickup option , customer address…
I have 4 picture locations saved in a JSON file called img0, img1, img2 and img3. I am getting the data from the file per AJAX call (getJSON, saved in the var receivedProduct) and after that i am just sending…