Elementor – hide menu on wordpress
I need to hide my menu on the home page and make it appear when scrolling down. I am using Wordpress and Elementor. I was able to achieve this by installing "Custom CSS & JS" plug-ins which let me add…
I need to hide my menu on the home page and make it appear when scrolling down. I am using Wordpress and Elementor. I was able to achieve this by installing "Custom CSS & JS" plug-ins which let me add…
Consider 2 files: File 1 - list.html <ul> <li>Dog</li> <li>Ant</li> <li>Cat</li> </ul> File 2 - ajax.html <html> <body> <button type="button">Click</button> <ul id="list"> </ul> <script type="text/javascript"> $("button").click(function() { $("#list").load("list.html ul > li"); }); </script> </body> </html> Here file 1 contain list…
I want to submit my form data when I click the save1 button without refreshing the page using ajax and jquery. I'm new at it, please help. This is my script for jquery and ajax. Here I'm storing all the…
I followed this tutorial: https://shopify.dev/tutorials/build-a-shopify-app-with-node-and-react From the beginning, my app was extremely slow to load, including when changing tabs, including when loaded through ngrok and run on localhost or deployed on app engine. What could be causing this ? P.S.:…
I have an example of two websites that uses google drive and whenever they have a new document they just change unique id (drive uploaded document) in URL (after ?id=) and than the documentis display in on a canvas. It's…
I need to get certain OS-level information. I cannot install anything on client's machines, I only have option to open a URL in the browser on client's machines. I need to get following information if possible. get OS version Have…
I want to auto populate a form consisting of different input types (select boxes and text areas) dynamically. I am able to get input boxes working just fine, here is an example: function autofill(){ var data = [{visible_retail: "0", brand:…
Veracode is pointing out the issue Improper Neutralization of Script-Related HTML Tags in a Web Page (Basic XSS) in the below line. $('#SummaryDiv').html(data); $.ajax({ url: 'Target_URL', type: 'GET', datatype: "json", traditional: true, cache: false }).done(function (data) { $('#SummaryDiv').html(data); I am…
Context I have a function that is called within an AJAX call that returns a number. I set this number to a variable and want to access the number outside of the .done() method: $.ajax({ url: 'urlhere.php', type: 'GET', data:…
First of all, please excuse my JS script knowledge. It's very little and mainly I'm a PHP programmer. I've found this great and simple script which calculates the total of the products table rows and also gives the grand total…