How to get values from url to js? – Jquery ajax
I am having the trouble to find a solution how I can get the values from the object which is requested from link from my web.. The thing is that I was created method in PHP to get the data…
I am having the trouble to find a solution how I can get the values from the object which is requested from link from my web.. The thing is that I was created method in PHP to get the data…
I've integrated a Paypal button into an app. When I try to get the gross amount of the order that was just placed, it says it is undefined in the browser. Here's the code i'm using: onApprove: function(data, actions) {…
I want to autofill the textbox with the amount when a dropdown is selected.. Drop down consists of first installment, second installment. When first installment is selected 1000rs has to be displayed in the textbox.. Whether it is possible to…
<?php for($i=0;$i<5;$i++){ ?> <button id="text<?php echo $i; ?>">hello </button> <script> var i=<?php echo $i; ?>; $(document).ready(function(){ $("#text"+i).click(function(){ alert("hello"); }) }) </script> <?php } ?> If I have a varying id like this and I want to call it in jQuery…
I am trying to use a JavaScript library (from GitHub) on my website but I can't get it to work. It works when I set it up in VS code but not when I upload my code to cpanel (along…
I'm currently refactoring some of my previous code to move away from jQuery's AJAX function towards XMLHttpRequest in vanilla JS. From my understanding, the following code blocks should be identical. However, while the jQuery version works, XMLHttpRequest doesn't. If successful,…
Currently I have code that query's lists from three separate subsites and then populates that data that I am calling for into an html table. I want to spice up the table just a bit, I was thinking something along…
I have a datatable with some json data. I have added a checkbox in every row but the problem I want to be selecting a single row at a time. i.e when I click on a check box on one…
On the website I create in Gatsby I would like to check the size of the DOM window.innerWidth before it will be first rendered. I would like to use a conditional check of innerWidth to decide how the website should…
How to append below condition to id = #sellerMetal <ul> container, it is a dynamic loop list. if dataJS productList > medals > goldmedal = true, append <li class="icon"><img src="/img/goldmetal.png"></li> if dataJS productList.medals.silvermedal = true, append <li class="icon"><img src="/img/silvermedal.png"></li> if…