How can I deploy Next js app on cpanel hosting
I am trying to deploy next js app on cPanel. I have installed node and npm on it. How can I deploy the next js app on this set up? I am getting the following error while trying to build…
I am trying to deploy next js app on cPanel. I have installed node and npm on it. How can I deploy the next js app on this set up? I am getting the following error while trying to build…
Hiho, I followed this guide here: (adding auth with passport to next.js) I have one simple problem. In my "/login" Link from next.js when I click it, I can see this error for about 200ms: Request URL: http://localhost:3000/_next/static/development/pages/login.js Request…
I want to include the Telegram login widget in my Angular application. For this, you have to include the following script: <script async src="" data-telegram-login="bot_name" data-size="large" data-auth-url="https://myurl.example/api/telegram" data-request-access="write"></script> Embedding scripts in Angular templates is not allowed, it will just be…
I have a donation page using Liquid Shopify. I CANNOT change name="donation[amount_option]" (I do not have access to that file) so I need code that allows this to stay. I want to have $250 automatically checked on load My code…
I have devised this script to redirect to the specific page based on the radio selection but it keeps going to the old link that was setup. Are there any recommendations you can suggest to get this working? <div class="col-12"…
I am trying create a read more read less button. My content that is hidden is in a span tag. I used some javascript to make this work. Currently, when I click on the button nothing happens. My goal is…
The only documented way to use Telegram 3-rd party authorization is to use their script that is being provided at This script (as I digged) works in pretty strange way It renders "Log in with Telegram" button inside the…
I'm hosting a website on a web host using a nodejs application (expressjs, request, etc.). The web host has an apache terminal from where I can call node app.js & or forever start app.js and the app runs fine. However,…
I am trying to use bootstrap and twitter bootstrap at the same time. Basically, I can't seem to get them to work together. Are they even supposed to work together? You can see the js Fiddle here. There are…
The modal doesn't display any of my images. I tried changing the pictures and code. However, I'm new to this, and I have no clue. Could it be the JavaScript code or the code itself? I've tried Atom and Dreamweaver,…