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Why do I get a 404 for half a second when clicking a next.js `Link` that just calls an API endpoint and then navigates to the correct page?

Hiho, I followed this guide here: (adding auth with passport to next.js) I have one simple problem. In my "/login" Link from next.js when I click it, I can see this error for about 200ms: Request URL: http://localhost:3000/_next/static/development/pages/login.js Request…


How can I include the Telegram login widget in an Angular app? – Telegram API

I want to include the Telegram login widget in my Angular application. For this, you have to include the following script: <script async src="" data-telegram-login="bot_name" data-size="large" data-auth-url="https://myurl.example/api/telegram" data-request-access="write"></script> Embedding scripts in Angular templates is not allowed, it will just be…

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