javascript – how to make quick load website – SEO
I have a shop website , I have a problem with seo and loading time ,when I check my website with gtmetrix , it shows me this result : total page size : 5.5mb load time 6.5 s I check…
I have a shop website , I have a problem with seo and loading time ,when I check my website with gtmetrix , it shows me this result : total page size : 5.5mb load time 6.5 s I check…
I tried to include js in Layout XML of cms page but js is not included. I want to apply js on particular cms page.
Hi I'm working on bootstrap carousal. I tried to show the multiple slide one by one on the arrow click. I have used some code and Somewhat it is working but not expected. I wanted to move only one image…
I'm trying to remove all instances of </div><div class="product-list_row"> and replace it with <!-- removed -->. But I'm having no luck getting this to work. I've been trying all sorts of solutions, some I couldn't get at all working, and…
Currently, my application runs on Backbone.js. The application works fine with the # fragments but it is not crawlable by Google bots because of the # in the URL. So, I decided to remove the # to make it more…
Each table row will have to allow the user to click it and get a subset of information pertaining to that row. I did a bit of searching and found this thread: Twitter Bootstrap Use collapse.js on table cells [Almost…
I need to convert RGB value to CMYK as in Adobe Photoshop/ Mac ColorPicker. All the colors in RGB cannot be achieved in CMYK. But the algorithms I have found such as rgbtocmyk does'nt produce the result I am expecting.…
Where is the catch: Nginx as serving Angular 4 app Angular 4 meta tags only reads from base href on FB request path Angular path can be (example): name Nginx is simple setup: root /home/web/dist; index index.html index.htm; location…
jQuery: $("#min").datepicker({maxDate: 0, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true }); $("#max").datepicker({maxDate: 0, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true }); <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="from" id="min"> <span class="input-group-addon"> to </span> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="to" id="max"> Anyone can please tell me…
I'm using facebook JS SDK version 2.11. For Login I've added following code FB.login(function(response) { // Handling Code here }, { scope: "user_posts" }); But Login Dialog doesn't have permission for user_posts. I also checked using me/permissions and user_posts is…