Jquery – How do I exclude divs that have a name link?
My sample HTML markup is below. In each of the three nested sets of divs, I'm removing all <p> tags except for the first <p>. But now I find I want to not remove all the <p> tags from just…
My sample HTML markup is below. In each of the three nested sets of divs, I'm removing all <p> tags except for the first <p>. But now I find I want to not remove all the <p> tags from just…
I have a date string of format 'dd-mm-yyyy' which I want to convert to Milliseconds. let split_date = '31-01-2024'.split('-'); let d = new Date(parseInt(split_date[2]), parseInt(split_date[1]), parseInt(split_date[0]), 0, 0, 0, 0).getTime(); console.log(d); let split_date2 = '02-02-2024'.split('-'); let d2 = new Date(parseInt(split_date2[2]),…
I am building a logic to upload videos to cloudinary using node.js, next.js and multer package. I have a mongodb document that I would like to store the video url and publicid of the video once cloudinary upload function completes.…
Backend give me data of gantt diagramm start and end points in format: "horizont_start": "2024-05-01T00:00:00Z", "horizont_end": "2025-01-26T00:00:00Z", Next i give through props to another component Date format of this points like this: <NewGanttChart start={ new Date( gantt?.horizont_start || new Date(…
I have a div with two spans inside it. The position of spans is that span1 uses a sticky position from the center of the div while span2 is at the bottom of the div. The idea is that, as…
I have two client codes to pick the audio and stream it to server through websocket, One is using ScriptProcessor and another one through MediaRecorder functions in Javascript, The task in the server is to pick this audio chunks and…
Here is the detail: Eg: [1,1,2,4] (init) -> gen1 [2,1,2,4] -> gen2 [4,1,2,4] -> gen3 [4,2,2,4] -> gen4 [4,4,2,4] -> gen5 (no change) -> gen6 [4,4,4,4] each generation: odd step: +1 or zero even step: +2 or zero in order…
using cypress i'm intercepting an API call and want to get how much the response time it took cy.intercept("PATCH", "https://api.website.com/b2b2/**").as("myAPP") cy.wait("@myAPP").then(({ request, response }) => { expect(response.duration).to.be.lessThan(2000)// => expected undefined to be a number or a date expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) })
I'm using ng-class to add a disabled class to a CTA in certain scenarios, but there is a split second delay before it gets applied, which means if the user is quick enough they can click the CTA. See code…
I was writing an html codes for online shopping and i needed to include a currency symbol other than the default $ option because it's going to be in another form of currency and not dollar. currency like the Naira…