How to get data attribute value using jquery
I am working on jquery with php,Right now i have button inside loop and i want to pass "data attribute" and want to get value,Right now i am getting "undefined",So how can i do this ? Here is my current…
I am working on jquery with php,Right now i have button inside loop and i want to pass "data attribute" and want to get value,Right now i am getting "undefined",So how can i do this ? Here is my current…
how to change a bootstrap switch from OFF state to ON state using javascript. the switch html code is below, <input type="checkbox" class="alert-status" name="ab1" id="ab1" data-size="normal" data-on-text="OFF" data-off-text="ON" checked data-bootstrap-switch data-off-color="success" data-on-color="danger"> script code, $('.alert-status').bootstrapSwitch('state', false); i tried some steps…
I'm very new to JQuery and I want to ask if anyone know how to loop to this table using JQuery, get the first row id and change the fifth TD data <table id="thisTable"> <thead> </thead> <tbody> <tr id="45215"> <td></td>…
$(document).ready(function () { $(":button").click(function () { var btn = $(":button").val(); if (btn == 'Favoritisieren') $(":button").css("background-color", "red").prop('value', 'Favoritisiert'); var obj = {"Hed.1" : $("h1")}; var myJSON = JSON.stringify(obj); localStorage.setItem('myJSON'); else $(":button").css("background-color","blue").prop('value','Favoritisieren'); }); }); hey, I would like to save the filename…
Looks like my main issue was using .val() when I should have been using map, thank you @Barmar! Though I'm still looking for a way to achieve the second array structure at the bottom of my post. It seems like…
I have a form created with Elementor Pro on my WordPress website. After clicking the button, I can process the results in some way using the WordPress backend, but at the same moment the form is reloaded and all fields…
I am trying to dynamically sort a table with javascript/jQuery. The table rows have 2 attributes: deadline (unix timestamp) status (1 or 2) The table needs to be sorted by status (status 1 on top, status 2 on the bottom),…
When setting pageLength property in DataTables, the data is divided into multiple pages. However, when DataTables.scroller plugin is applied, the pageLength setting is ignored and all data is displayed on one page. How can I enable the pageLength setting while…
My html <div class="note"> <div class="fielditem"> test one<br> test two </div> </div> I am using jquery to wrap each line with li which is working well. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var listHTML = $('.note .fielditem').html(); if (listHTML !== undefined && listHTML !==…
I changed the code with a simple like these <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $('#RadioButtonYes').click(function () { var enterdata = document.getElementById("RadioButtonYes").value; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "radiobutton03ask.aspx/SyncData", contentType: "application/json charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", data: { 'data': enterdata }, success:…