Change div with another div using jQuery
I have such a problem. On mouse enter, I want red circle to be changed with blue circle. But by this code, I have two circles on screen and red of them disappears on mouse enter. How to solve this…
I have such a problem. On mouse enter, I want red circle to be changed with blue circle. But by this code, I have two circles on screen and red of them disappears on mouse enter. How to solve this…
im trying to make and the same event fire every time but it only fires once when i click "del" button HTML <input type="text" name="todoInput" id="todoInput"> <button class="btn">Add</button><br> <p class="error"></p> <div> <ul class="todos"></ul> </div> jQuery var todos = []; $(".btn").click(function()…
I am trying to calculate the value of some input field in my Django template using javascript (onkeyup=(), the form is in a loop e.g {% for p in prediction %} {% endfor %}. I have this simple line to…
I have a laravel application which shows some stats to my users. On my front end blade, I'm displaying few widgets where each widget contain's a specific stat. Following widget is to show number of total orders. <div class="row mt-3"…
There is one toggle switch, When click on a toggle it switches ON and popup with close and Ok button appears. But if I again click on a toggle then it switches off and toggle disappears. The actual requirement is,…
I have a toggle button to set status from pending to approved, it works fine but I cannot sort the values based on pending or approved. Every row value is displayed as PendingApprovedPendingApproved (in console.log). (In database its correctly saved…
In my laravel app, I have a div on a blade to display total number of daily orders. <div class="row mt-3" id="shopify_row1"> <div class="col-md-2" id="shopify_widget1"> <div class="jumbotron bg-dark text-white"> <img class="img-fluid pull-left" src="" width="32" height="32"> <h6 class="text-secondary mt-2 px-4">Shopify</h6> <hr…
// Detele Videos var checkboxes = $("input[type='checkbox']"),actions = $("#actions"); () { actions.attr("hidden", !":checked")); }); // Delete All Videos var checked = false; $('.select-all').on('click', function () { if (checked == false) { $('.settings').prop('checked', true); checked = true; } else {…
I have got the list of elements like this: <p style="text-align: center;"> <b>List textlink</b> <a class="link link--external has-favicon" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ANONFILE</a> - <a class="link link--external has-favicon" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GOFILE</a> - <a class="link link--external has-favicon" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MEGA</a> </p> Textlink is:…
I want to get value of one or more span and just one select tag and get thus the sum and display it in 'total' row when submitting.enter image description here . Final aim is to have the sum of…