Clicking on jQuery
When I define a code to click and change that element again, I want the element to return to the first state with another click I wrote another click but it didn't work The toggle didn't work properly either I…
When I define a code to click and change that element again, I want the element to return to the first state with another click I wrote another click but it didn't work The toggle didn't work properly either I…
When tag link is clicked, .active will be added to that specific tag. I want when there's .active present on the tag, the p will turn blue (.active is added to the p). I managed to turn the p to…
I've configured my laravel 11 application to handle cors using the following cors.php file in the config dir <?php return [ 'paths' => ['*'], 'allowed_methods' => ['GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS'], 'allowed_origins' => ['http://localhost:8082'], 'allowed_origins_patterns' => [], 'allowed_headers' => ['Origin, Content-Type,…
In my web-app, after a form validation, perform an Ajax request to my Struts action: $.ajax({ url: "viewResult", type:"POST", data: "TEST", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function(res, textStatus, jqXHR) { ..... Ajax request is successfully performed as well as my execute…
I've a function, which should remove a li element from a list identified by the id. I use jQuery and this call $("#selector").find("li[id='" + id.substring(4) + "']").remove(); The call started with a click on a button. In Firefox it works…
I am trying to use select2, but for some reason it does not work. The code below is fairly simple: it pulls data from a Microsoft SQL database, and creates a dropdown list. All of this is running on a…
I wrote a WooCommerce plugin to add SF Express service points to the Checkout Block page. The dropdown appears correctly, but the selected option is not passed to PHP, so the order notes do not reflect the chosen service point.…
I am using ASP.NET MVC and have a HomeController, model, and view. I am trying to create a search filter, where the user can type in some characters, click submit, and filter a table (in a partial view). The data…
This is the HTML structure of my sidebar menu. Submenu is a collapsible menu. <ul class="block-navigation" id="sidebar-navigation"> <li class="navigation-item has-child navigation-submenu"> <a class="open-submenu" href="#"> School Affairs <em></em> </a> <ul class="block-navigation-submenu"> <li class="navigation-item"> <a class="" href="#"> <span>School Affairs</span> </a> </li> <li…
How can you pass the ID of an element that is clicked on to manipulate another corresponding element, without having to write a jQuery function for every single one? So.... Let's say that I have a list of some stuff…