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Jquery – TypeScript: How to validate input fields with form checkboxes

I have a form with several checkboxes and corresponding input fields. <div class="group-wrap input-element" id="gr_"> <div class="label-bar"> <label> <div class="custom-control form-check"> <input class="form-check-input" value="1" type="checkbox" id="Gleitzeitmaxstundenenable" name="Gleitzeitmaxstundenenable" onmouseup="{setActFeld(;}" onfocus="{ setActFeld(;}" onclick="{setConfirmedChange(, &quot;false&quot;) ; initCheckBox(;transaktionObj.inputEnable(this.checked,&quot;Gleitzeitmaxstunden&quot;);}"> <label class="form-check-label" for="Gleitzeitmaxstundenenable">Gleitzeit max.</label> </div> </label>…


Jquery – Can I get all hyperlinks that contain "@" then open them in new tabs?

I'm trying to open all hyperlinks on a page with link text that includes the "@" symbol. Here's an example below [[email protected]]( [[email protected]]( [[email protected]]( So far, I can collect each of the lines that include an @ symbol with this…


Jquery – How to get input value in keypress enter

I have a textbox for search items. I want to get items when type text in textbox and press enter key. <input id="txt-search" placeholder="@StoreResource.SearchHere" class="form-control main-in"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="btn-search" class="search-icon"> <i class="icon feather icon-search"></i> </a> I use this code but…

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