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How can I make Turkey the default country when choosing a country code for a phone number? – Jquery

This script allows me to pick country code when I want to write my number: const phoneInputField = document.querySelector("#inpMobilePhone"); const phoneInput = window.intlTelInput(phoneInputField, { utilsScript: "", }); } This html is my phone input and the reason type=number because when…


JS : Use variable in grep filter – Jquery

Please help on how to use variable in Grep filter.. the return n.state_id == 1 || n.state_id == 3; works but if it's inside a variable it's not working. var json_data = [{"id":147,"state_id":1,"value":1}, {"id":147,"state_id":1,"value":4},{"id":147,"state_id":2,"value":1}, {"id":147,"state_id":3,"value":1}]; $filter_state = ['1','3']; var state_filter…


javascript show/hide not working as expected with html field – Jquery

The following is the chose I am using to let the user manually choose working/starting time. <input type="checkbox" class="testmethod" id="beastmode" name="beastmode" tabindex="5">Beast Mode</input> <div class="input-group date" id="id_1"> <input type="text" name="day11" value="09:00 AM" class="form-control" placeholder="End time" title="" required/> <div class="input-group-addon input-group-append">…

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