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Ajax not calling alert – Jquery ajax

im successfuly inserted data to my db with ajax.. but somehow it does not pop up my success alert message. here is a sample of my jquery code. $('button[name="submitmsgd"]').click(function(e){ var categorysupAr = []; var unitsgdAr=[]; var idsgdAr=[]; var idsgdlength= $("input[name='idsgd[]']").val().length;…


how to store an array value from blade to database in Laravel – Jquery ajax

submitting a dynamic form but can't store the value to database. im a beginner i stuck for 2,3 days but cant solve the problem. the request value is like {"_token":"PTGmyf3UZrD1TgKDJcREcKia9VFRLYaP5kNaAkAU","id":["28","31"],"name":["Fogg","zack"],"rate":["70","5000"],"quantity":["1","1"],"submit":"Submit"} <form name="" id="form" action="{{ url('/store_order_item') }}" method="POST"> @csrf <table class="table…

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