send id to another form when button clicked and change value – Jquery ajax
i am trying to send the id to another page then select the data by that id from the other page so it works but for only 1 data like if i have server 1 and server 2 server 1…
i am trying to send the id to another page then select the data by that id from the other page so it works but for only 1 data like if i have server 1 and server 2 server 1…
Hi I'm trying to load the viewcomponent using ajax when the button is click. But the view component does work properly it seems that css and js is not working. Here is the ajax call for the controller Load component…
Im trying to Invoke ViewComponent using javascript to facilitate page loading,now i invoked viewcomponent using razor but the loading of page taking long time, how to do that? Here is the method in controller: public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(string id) {…
I trying to learn jquery as im new to it. here I have made a request to this example API and got an array of object that i have to list in to the table. However, im stuck on how…
I use jQuery and Ajax to pass data to a PHP / MySQLi page. The code and the query work as intended but I can't find a way to handle the errors. E. g. I want to inform the user…
I have an AJAX request to pull some data from post model"I am using Django3 and python 3.8". When I print the request.GET.get to the console, I got "None". There was no Data. However, when I alert the passed data…
My question is, is it possible to do access the variables in Shopify Liquid using Javascript? {% assign my_array= "apples, oranges, peaches, tomatoes" | split: ", " %} function my_function(number){ return "{{my_array[number]}}"; } $('#click_me').click(function(){ alert(my_function(0)); }); I know this is…
Whenever clicking the button, target file has fetched i.e. "demo.txt" (checked in network) but file content is not displaying, what's wrong? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#button").click(function(){ $.ajax({url: "http://localhost/suman_php/JQ_AJAX/demo.txt", type:"GET", success: function(data,status){ alert(status); $("#div1").html(data); }}); }); });…
I'm trying to post the data from the HTML file to localhost using xampp and it is not posting in the db. It shows that successfully added but not showing. is my server name and the URL correct or what…
I have a small chat website with only one page. I save all the data in session when user logs in. Session is deleted when user logs out through a logout button. But if user closes the page and comes…