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Woocommerce – jQuery – Wrong price calculation

I have this code in elementor custom code, it's loaded at the end of the body tag. <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var productPrice; var finalProductPrice; var shippingPrice; var servicePrice; var result; var output; // $('#ship-price-a').on('click', function(){ if( typeof productPrice === 'undefined' ){…


Woocommerce – jQuery – Unable to select value of an element added using elementor

I have this code in elementor custom code <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('#ship-price').on('click', function(){ var originalPrice = $('#product-price').val(); console.log(originalPrice); // var shipPrice = $('#ship-price').val(); console.log(shipPrice); }); }); </script> I'm trying to select two elements that I've added using elementor and where I…


Jquery – input date ranges in both array ranges

I have been working with this code: var rangesInputRange1 = [ { startDate: parseDate("15/04/2024"), endDate: parseDate("01/05/2024") }, { startDate: parseDate("01/06/2024"), endDate: parseDate("30/06/2024") } ]; var rangesInputRange2 = [ { startDate: parseDate("01/04/2024"), endDate: parseDate("14/04/2024") }, { startDate: parseDate("01/07/2024"), endDate: parseDate("31/08/2024") }…


Jquery – How do I replace the text label of a button using javascript and without having to click?

I am trying to change the label of the 'Save' button to 'Next' using javascript and without having to click on Save first. <input type="button" name="ctl01$SaveButton" value="Save" onclick="if(this.disabled)return false;accountCreatorInstance_ctl01_TemplateBody_WebPartManager1_gwpciNewContactAccountCreatorCommon_ciNewContactAccountCreatorCommon.ShowErrors();if(!RunAllValidators(new Array('52503d2c-d362-4864-a72d-5f883619889d'), true)) return false;this.disabled='disabled';WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(&quot;ctl01$SaveButton&quot;, &quot;&quot;, true, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, false, true))"…

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