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Why does this jQuery AJAX post request throw an error despite the fact that the post is successful?

I have made a blogging application in Laravel 8. I am currently working on submitting comments and comment replies via jQuery AJAX. The comment form template (viewsthemescalvinpartialscomment-form.blade.php): <div class="form-wrapper"> <div class="alert-box-ajax alert-box alert-box--success"> Your comment is pending </div> <div class="alert-box-ajax…


How can I get a fully working 'echo' command in a Jquery terminal?

Im trying to get a echo command to echo what the user types in a JQuery termial. This is the code I have <link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> $('body').terminal({ echo: function(...args) { this.echo(args) }, }, {…

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