Having to refresh a page after form submission using jquery ajax
So I have a page to display courses a student is enrolled in and also in that page is a form in a modal all which is built as a Laravel web project, and the purpose of that form is…
So I have a page to display courses a student is enrolled in and also in that page is a form in a modal all which is built as a Laravel web project, and the purpose of that form is…
I want to create a list using HTML & CSS shown as below: Expected Output: But getting below output. Actual Output: As you see, the line is collapsing on text and numbers. I want text besides of vertical line. And…
I have a form with input fields like this: lines[1][config][options][346] I can get the last part with this: var name = 'lines[0][config][options][343]'; let ido = name.lastIndexOf("["), idc = name.lastIndexOf("]"), index = name.substring(ido + 1, idc); console.log(index); But what if i…
I have a form with among others this 2 selects : <div class="form-group"> <select name="yul_log_christmas_serving_id" id="yul_log_christmas_serving_id" class="form-control"> <option value="">{{ __('# Personnes | Taille') }}</option> @foreach($yul_log_christmas_servings as $serving) <option style="color:#6c757d" value="{{ $serving->id }}" {{ $party_loaf_serving_id == $serving->id ? 'selected' : ''…
Instead of changing the order of divs by jquery only, I just want to "change the flex order number" of every div, after selecting a sort method, with jquery. For example, my select box: <div id="sorting"> <select> <option value=".best">Best</option> <option…
I have a form which has a 'submit' button called Finish and a Javascript that runs when the Finish button is pressed which checks to make sure all mandatory fields have been completed which has been working well. We would…
Hi I am trying to make a slider using the slick slider and everything is working fine but instead of showing arrows on the sides it is showing the Previous and Next buttons on top and bottom on the left…
So as you all know that 1 trick of JS is that let's say for example we bind a click event for all buttons on this page: $(".btn").click(...) <button class='btn'>A</button> <button class='btn'>B</button> then suddenly a button C was added to…
On document ready, this function performNext calls fine: $(document).ready(function() { performNext(); }); performNext function hides a current fieldset and shows a next one, my question here is an extension of another question with minimal reproducible example I asked here But…
I'm trying to have a Javascript run when a checkbox is selected/deselected that calls a php file and passes the value of the checkbox that was selected. The script is firing but the value is not being passed as a…