Jquery – Nested HTML ul Element to JSON
I want to make a form builder application using drag and drop. I have a main <li> tag. There are other <li> and <ul> tags in the nested structure under this tag. As a requirement of my application I need…
I want to make a form builder application using drag and drop. I have a main <li> tag. There are other <li> and <ul> tags in the nested structure under this tag. As a requirement of my application I need…
i have jquery looks like this : `` $("printButton").click(function(){ var limit = $(#per_page_pendapatan).val(); var page = <?php echo $this->url->segmetn(3) ? $this->url->segment(3) : 1; ?>; $.post({ url: "<?php echo base_url('index.php/Pendapatan/process_pdf'); ?>", type : "post", dataType : "json", data : {"limit" :…
Actually, I am currently working on making a pure CSS text slideshow as a topbar in my site's header. The code I have created is: HTML <div class="slider"> <p class="slide">30% to 60% off Sitewide | Extra 30% off Sale</p> <p…
I've found a number of articles with the same issue, but I'm not sure why those solutions aren't working for me. I have a multidimensional array that has pairs of project and tag key/value pairs. I define the array in…
I am starting my journey to be a front end developer. I chose Angular. And I want to learn best practices in my journey. So is it necessary to learn bootstrap, jQuery and Ajax to become a good Angular Developer?…
I tried to find dome duplicates of this question, and there are other threads with the same or with similar questions, but none of these threads include an actual solution. No, blur() doesn't work with such links on mobiles No,…
I apologize in advance, but I don't speak English. After loading the code and clicking on TEST, the Data-filter function starts, but after another click, the function does not start anymore. I would need the Data-filter to activate after every…
I have a DOM with multiple horizontal scroll containers and prev next buttons. I'm not able to change the html so that's what I got. <div class="scroll_container"></div> <div class="prev_button_wrapper"> <button class="prev_button"></div> </div> <div class="next_button_wrapper"> <button class="next_button"></div> </div> <div class="scroll_container"></div> <div…
I've got mmenu up and running and doing everything I need it to do, except that it's breaking my sticky footer because it is automatically wrapping all code inside <body>. My script has page: { selector: "#page" } and I…
Recently I have created a simple code for my blogger or blogspot website to show Author's Data, like author's name with URL, image and their published Posts number. Then I tried to show the comments number of the Author's. By…