Can't generate the valid .json file
I have the following python code, in order to generate a json code It is reading the data from a csv file and the output will be written into a json file through dumps(). import os import csv import json…
I have the following python code, in order to generate a json code It is reading the data from a csv file and the output will be written into a json file through dumps(). import os import csv import json…
I'm using NUnit for testing and have a piece of code where I use JObject.Parse(json). I want to ensure that this code does not throw a JsonReaderException. Here is the assertion I've tried: Assert.That(() => { JObject.Parse(json); }, Throws.Nothing); The…
I am new to Javascript, so need some help with the below scenario. I am reading a JSON input as shown below var json_input = "[ { "src_AccountId":["00100027H3QAK"], "src_AccountName":["Vis Card Services","Vitoria Card Services SA"], "src_MaxVus":[15,3], "src_DocCount":[15,3] }, { "src_AccountId":["0010J000027lVFDQA2","6516983c9d71be4bcd799313"], "src_AccountName":["Semiconductor…
I have a python program that needs to add an object to a json file. When I send the string over it's not writing to the file but gives a, object of date time is not serializable. Here's my code:…
I am forced to use an API which has two different keys or identifiers for the same object, VAT - number. Depending on the call is GET or POST/PATCH In GET I must use this struct for unmarshal / decode…
I have an insurmountable problem of how to encode a payload for a request to the server using JSONEncoder(). The object should look like this: { "filter": { "conditions": [ {"key": "id_wbs", "values": [1293548]}, {"key": "id_object", "values": []}, {"key": "id",…
I have an existing json file that I need to transform, but am having trouble with it. Here's an example of the structure: jq -r '[] | [.run_number, .cinfo] ' input.json [ "42", [ { "name": "Joe shmo", "state": "AZ",…
I hope you can help me, I have this json to send in a request { "taxpayer": _person, "customerType": _dropdownTypeClient, "rfc": _rfc.text, "name": _name.text, "fatherSurname": _firstName.text, "motherSurname": _lastName.text, "businessName": _razonSocial.text, "contact": _contact.text, "phone": _phone.text, "cell": _cellphone.text, "taxRegime": _dropdownTax, "mailList": […
The official TypeScript lib type definition for the value argument to JSON.stringify(value) is any. Is there a stricter type for value such that serializing and deserializing it would result the same value? In other words, such that the following were…
I'd like to use jq to recursively transform arbitrary JSON files: Input { "id": 123456, "name": "Test", "more": [1, 2, 3], "instance": { "id": 987654, "name": "Different" } } Output [ { "name" : "id", "type": "number", "value": 123456 },…