JQ Query – Restructing a nested JSON
I have a JSON which looks like this { "orders": [ { "order": [ { "items": [ { "name": "Item 1", "id": [], "type": [ { "name": "Color", "value": [ { "value": "blue" } ] }, { "name": "model", "value":…
I have a JSON which looks like this { "orders": [ { "order": [ { "items": [ { "name": "Item 1", "id": [], "type": [ { "name": "Color", "value": [ { "value": "blue" } ] }, { "name": "model", "value":…
So I have a footer component that reads links from a JSON file. I have a particular header that I only want to have present if the corresponding JSON property is not blank (i.e., if there's no link provided, it…
I have the below code which I am using to send JSON data to an API using HTTPClient. I want to log the HTTP response/status code such as 200, 201, 400 etc. Please can someone assist me with how to…
I'm sending API Call and getting response like that { "12312412312124123124": { "id": "12312412312124123124", "content": [ { "id": 41419969} ] }, "141412312412312521": { "id": 141412312412312521", "content": [ { "id": 41419969} ] }} how can I handle to parse this json…
I have a schema trying to validate a port number and it is being compared to a reference to a port definition and a constant value of negative 1. When evaluating a port value (21915) it says th at the…
I am using an API for a software where i wanna get the ID of something. When i make the get request using this code a import requests import json url = "apiurl" payload = "" headers = { 'Authorization':…
user_mails = UserMail.all data = {user_mails: user_mails} File.open("demo_data.json", "w") { |f| f.write data.to_json } json_data['user_mails'].each do |data| UserMail.where(data).first_or_create! end When i trying this my system get stuck and get hang then i need to restart my system, i found that…
I'm trying to extract the following JSON message using SQL: { "document": { "Invoice": { "_NavRecordId": "Purch. Inv. Header: 06IF+230033", "InvoiceNumber": "06IF+230033", "PurchaseOrderNumber": "P0032259", "InvoiceLine": [ { "_NavRecordId": "Purch. Inv. Line: 06IF+230033,1", "item": "A05284", "Quantity": "2", "PurchaseOrderLineNumber": "1" }, {…
I want that if the value in "desc" is empty, <div24> and <popup-desc> are hidden. html <div class="popup"> <div class="popup-top" style="background-color: '+e.features[0].properties.fill+';"> <div class="div21">'+e.features[0].properties.status+'</div> <div class="popup-statusdate"> <div class="div21">'+e.features[0].properties.date+'</div> </div> </div> <img class="popup-img-icon" src="'+e.features[0].properties.img+'"onclick="window.open(this.src)" style="cursor: pointer;"/> <div class="popup-type"> <div class="div23">'+e.features[0].properties.adress+'</div> </div>…
having input json like so [ { "k1": "o1k1", "k2": "o1k2", "k_opt1": "o1k_xxx" }, { "k1": "o2k1", "k2": "o2k2", "k_opt2": "o2k_yyy" } ] i would like to get array of arrays with object values, so: [ [ "o1k1", "o1k2", "o1k_xxx"…