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Converting pyspark.sql.Rowtype data to Json string eliminating values in Azure Databricks NB

I have below pyspark row type data: indv_msg = [Row(cbm_json_output=Row(country_code='USA', date='06-10-2023', date_epoch='1696550400', id='USA-001535-1696550400', interfaceVersion='1.0.0', opmode_car_door=Row(health_category='GREEN', msg_id='1', num_yellow_preds_in_last_14_days=0, reason=None, reasonDetail=None), opmode_landing_door=Row(health_category='GREEN', msg_id='1', reason=None, reasonDetail=None), sensor=Row(component_type=None, health_category=None, landing_priority=None, msg_id='1', num_yellow_preds_in_last_14_days=None, reason=None, reasonDetail=None), unit_id='001535')) While trying to convert to json string, it is…


Json – Parser Table Golang

I need to find a way to convert a table to JSON with golang The table in question looks like: State Version Support eRSTP Enhancements Bridge Priority Hello Time Max Age Time Transmit Count Forward Delay Max Hops Cost Style…

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