Jquery – Data not completely convert from JSON to CSV
I have a set of JSON format as below. During converting from JSON to CSV, the function is worked but not all key is exist in the CSV file. How to allow all the key available in the CSV file?…
I have a set of JSON format as below. During converting from JSON to CSV, the function is worked but not all key is exist in the CSV file. How to allow all the key available in the CSV file?…
I wrote this code in python to get all the links and to put them in a json file, but for some reason i am only getting the last link (website and class see in the code). Any ideas, why…
I have this JSON in a File: { "user1": { "id": 1, "nVote": 0, "comment": "" } } And I would like to add an object user2 with the same parameters and corresponding values. function json2Array(json) { var result =…
My goal is to code an app for couples so they can ask questions to each other. I'm stuck because I can't seem to randomize the data. I want the data to be randomize every time I click the button.…
How can I remove an property from an array? I wish to remove the property that includes: someObject = { number: '1', month: 'march', year: '2023' } And I have an array: someArray = ['month', 'year'] or a string 'month,…
I've tested my Twilio number and personal number using Twilios website API so I know the problem isn't with either of them. Using the below method and any phone number I try as recipientPhoneNumber in the '+1xxxxxxxxxx' format returns the…
I have two variables: currValue and keys, which is a string of keys separated by . like this: global.fontsize.bodyscale. I want to create a nested json structure from this string. The json structure should like: { global: { fontsize: {…
I have a string dictionary as user input in Python console. The string format looks like "{"Column A": str, "Column B": str}". Eventually, I want to convert this string to dict format like {"Column A": str, "Column B": str} so…
Im making a User Management System where I need to filter the user from a json file, which I have locally. The problem is I can't fetch the json file and I get this error in console: Error SyntaxError: JSON.parse:…
I have a JSON array which looks like this - [ {name: 'Alex', date: '05/17/2023 10:32 PM', id: '00153168', priority: '3-Medium'}, {name: 'Peter', date: '05/17/2023 11:32 PM', id: '00153169', priority: '3-Medium'} ] Expected : { name : ['Alex','Peter'], date :…