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Can 2 jq commands be combined to extract specific values from JSON data?

I want to combine below mentioned 2 jq commands to work together in a single jq command. Command 1: jq -r '.objects[] | "(.name),(.uid),(.type),(."ipv4-address"),(."nat-settings"."ipv4-address"),(."nat-settings"."ipv6-address"),(."nat-settings"."install-on"),(."nat-settings".method)"' Command 2: jq -r '.objects[].groups[].name' I'm able to get output of commands when executed separately but…


Can MySQL delete a key-value pair in a JSON column?

I am trying to update a column in MySQL, where it contains a json encoded value with multiple key-value pairs, but cannot write the exact query. Can anyone help? For example: tableA: id response 1 {"event_id":"11111","contact":{"contact_id":"as2344","answers": [{"answer_id":"2223e"}],"tags":"cadd76","question_id":"67888"} From the above…

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