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How to get non repeated rows in postgresql

I have query like select billing_number, created, amount_total_sum, days, country, status, check_in_date, concat(elements->> 'isPossible', elements-> 'UTCDateFrom' ->> 'date', ' - ', elements-> 'UTCDateTo' ->> 'date' ) from (select o.billing_number, o.created, o.amount_total_sum, t.check_in_date, t.check_out_date - t.check_in_date as days, t.hotel_country as country,…


How to convert the following json object into to a new JSON object in c#

Json Data in present format: currently I am getting data from a database in the following format which I am storing in a DataTable. Database format var data1 = [{"TheatreName":"AMEA","Country":"CANADA","Riskcount":50},{"TheatreName":"AMEA","Country":"UK","Riskcount":30},{"TheatreName":"AMER","Country":"Japan","Riskcount":80},{"TheatreName":"AMER","Country":"US","Riskcount":90},{"TheatreName":"APAC","Country":"Bangladesh","Riskcount":4},{"TheatreName":"APAC","Country":"Hong Kong","Riskcount":12},{"TheatreName":"APAC","Country":"India","Riskcount":126}] I want to convert it into a JSON object…


Import json file on python

I try to import a json file on python with : with open('C:/Users/angel/message.json', 'r') as file: data = json.load(file) I have the error : FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[1], line 1 ----> 1 with open('C:/Users/angel/message.json', 'r') as…

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