Parsing nested JSON errors
I have a JSON file I am trying to extract data from and I keep getting errors that I cannot resolve for some reason, any advice? Here is how I am running it in playgrounds import UIKit struct GETprojects: Codable…
I have a JSON file I am trying to extract data from and I keep getting errors that I cannot resolve for some reason, any advice? Here is how I am running it in playgrounds import UIKit struct GETprojects: Codable…
"{"schema":{"$schema":"","type":"object","properties":{"a":{"type":"string","dataType":"TEXT","validation":"TEXT"},"object":{"type":"object","properties":{"fname":{"type":"string","dataType":"TEXT","validation":"TEXT"},"lname":{"type":"string","dataType":"TEXT","validation":"TEXT"}},"additionalProperties":false,"required":["fname","lname"],"dataType":"OBJECT","validation":"OBJECT"}},"additionalProperties":false,"required":["a","object"],"dataType":"OBJECT","validation":"OBJECT"},"fieldRequirements":{"name":"object1","type":"object","required":true,"subfields":[{"name":"a","type":"text","required":true,"subfields":[]},{"name":"object","type":"object","required":true,"subfields":[{"name":"fname","type":"text","required":true,"subfields":[]},{"name":"lname","type":"text","required":true,"subfields":[]}]}]}}" This is my json string, i want to get a string from properties in above json string like this "{"a":"b","object":{"fname":"Sho","lname":"Sho"}}", any idea how to do? i tried using field names but i m just getting fields and not able…
-MY GOAL is to display the html tags "My page and TESTING on the page" on the same page. -If I remove the html tags. It give me the XML. -If I removed the header('Content-type: text/xml'); I get only the…
I am learning to use the laravel eloquent and I have this query SELECT SUM(precio_total) FROM `venta` GROUP BY (MONTH(fecha)); So far i wear this $cantidad_venta = Venta::select('SUM(PRECIO_TOTAL) as suma_precio') ->groupBy('MONTH(fecha)') ->get(); I try to go through axios, but it…
I am learning (old version of Go). I use go 1.20.1 , Windows 11 x64, GoLand 2022.3.2 . package sample3 import ( foo "encoding/json" "fmt" "time" ) type myJSON struct { IntValue int `json:"intValue"` BoolValue bool `json:"boolValue"` StringValue string…
I need to change values of items "Id" "SummaryId" and "CoworkersId" in my json. I have already code which will change values of "Id" and "SummaryId". Code below generates new unique Id for these 2 items. I need that this…
I am getting some data from an api that returns an object that has a property of Type Dictionary<int, double?>? in JSON. The issue is that some times the JSON will pass back Infinity in the double property so my…
Hello I have this code to load a JSON file and I want to pass values to variables: with open('C:/files/response.json') as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) for item in data: if 'XMLRESPONSE' in item: property_values.append(item['ITEM']['TOTALQTY']) testvalue = str(property_values[0]) print (testvalue) But…
I obtained the following as the output of a call to JSON.stringify: "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>n<html>n <head>n <meta charset="utf-8"/>n </head>n <body>n <ul id="BcVWDENh">n <li id="3C">n <p>Hello World</p>n </li>n </ul>n </body>n</html>n" Then, I tried to call JSON parse to obtain a JS…
I have the following nested dictionary with lists inside: [{ "id": 467, "status": 2, "leavePeriod": { "owner": { "employeeNumber": "2620", "firstName": "fn_467", "lastName": "ln_467" }, "ownerId": 46, "leaves": [ { "leaveAccount": { "id": 1121, "name": "Vacation days 2021/2022", "url": "https://some_link/1121"…