Remove duplicates in an object in JSONiq
This is an example object that I got: { "query1" : [ { "name" : "John", "id" : 1234 }, { "name" : "Rose", "id" : 3214 }, { "name" : "John", "id" : 1234 } ] } How can…
This is an example object that I got: { "query1" : [ { "name" : "John", "id" : 1234 }, { "name" : "Rose", "id" : 3214 }, { "name" : "John", "id" : 1234 } ] } How can…
I am seeking the simultaneous iteration of two lists. Input object list: First Input Object List { "k11": "v111", "k12": "v112" } { "k11": "v121", "k12": "v122" } { "k11": "v131", "k12": "v132" } Second Input Object List { "k21":…
I am having trouble handling an if conditional mixed with an array in a shift operation with jolt. If the field "HMEmails" is an array with values, no transformation should be made. But if it is an empty array or…
I am learning how to use the Reddit API - I am trying to learn how to extract all comments from a specific post. For example - consider this post: Using this R code, I think I was able to…
I have this json file which contains a list of objects [ { "infos": [ { "localisation": "Kassel" }, { "date": "01.08.2023" }, { "places": "1 freier Platz" } ], "applying email": "[email protected]", "additional infos": { "name": "jhon", "position": "RH",…
I have a JSON type SQL column in SQL table as below example. I want the below code to be converted into separate columns such as drugs as table name and other attribute as column name, how can I use…
I have a string, which I retrieved as a nested JSON field from a Mongo database "[{'actionId': '29df54c0-9f08-4231-8eb2-ca2457003f2d', 'actionName': 'Create a team', 'userActionStatus': 'COMPLETED', 'currentCount': 1, 'targetCount': 1, 'lastActionDate': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 24, 14, 17, 17, 785000)}]" I'm unable to parse…
Below is a example of AWS Rekognition script to run object detection. Was wondering if I can get some help on modifyin it. import json import boto3 def lambda_handler(event, context): client = boto3.client("rekognition") #passing s3 bucket object file reference response…
Imagine a user writing some config files with some of the properties accepting either a plain value or an array of values of the same type. The use case is convenience and readability from a user perspective where you don't…
I need to run a script where I have an array of ids, and a json that contains elements with these ids and more data. I need to filter/select the values that matches the ones in the array. For some…